Personal development time (PDT)
Personal development time is a vital part of the school day and includes lessons to develop all-round students; it includes curriculum for life sessions, along with careers advice and guidance. All students must arrive in school each day at 8.25am to arrive in time for the start of PDT.
Attendance and Punctuality
Regular attendance and punctuality is ESSENTIAL if students are to achieve their full potential. The school day begins at 8.25am. The total time in school in a a typical week in school is 32.5 hours.
Morning Break
During morning break toast, snacks and drinks may be purchased from the school cafeteria.
Lunch Break
School dinners are served in the school dining room on a cafeteria system. There is a cashless system (SIMS app) in place for payment of school lunches. Students who choose to bring a packed lunch may use the facilities in the school dining room.
Year 11 – Period 7
In year 11 all students are required to complete period 7 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Year 11 will finish school at 3.35pm on these days. Period 7 is designed to support year 11 students to prepare for their GCSE exams and provides vital intervention and support time.