5-week maths pack: Student self-study resources

  • Each week consists of four 1-hour sessions designed to create a coherent sequence of learning.
  • Each 1-hour session is split into:
  • 20 minutes working on tasks from the Learning pack – there are 2 for each session
  • 40 minutes working on the practice exercises from the workbook
  • Students will need an exercise book or paper to record their answers

This 5-week pack of home learning resources has been designed to help minimise disruption to students learning as much as possible.

Students can work through the self-study pack independently or with parental supervision and can use the videos to support their learning.

The tasks have been designed to help those students who are new to the concepts but also for those that are revisiting mathematics with plenty of opportunities to think about the concepts in new ways.

Home Learning Lesson Learning Pack – Download from the links below

Home Learning Lesson Exercises Pack – Download from the links below

Link to KS3 powerpoints and help

Link to KS4 powerpoints and help

Link to all years White Rose lesson videos