As a community of learners we aspire to achieve our full, academic potential in a happy, safe and caring environment.
As a community of believers, we aim to develop a full awareness of our spiritual and moral responsibility and a deepening love and understanding of our faith.
As a community of friends, we influence the people around us by using our unique gifts and talents to develop one another socially and culturally to build a better world.
Our community is bound together by the faith it proclaims. We celebrate the primacy of the spiritual and moral life, the dignity of the person, the importance of community, caring, social justice and the common good.
We seek to have Christ at the centre of all that we do in school and to give the students in our care the opportunity to grow spiritually in a loving worshipping community. We welcome children of other faiths and respect their beliefs and culture.
We believe that every child is uniquely created and loved by God and called by Him to fulfil a special purpose. It is our privilege to help each child to identify, nurture and use his/her talents to build a better world. To this end we will work in partnership with parents, parishes, the community of schools and with the wider community.