
At Mount St Joseph School teams and individuals regularly compete against local schools in various sporting activities.  Teams represented are Rugby, Football, Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Cross Country, Netball, Girls Football, Rounders, Cricket and Athletics. Many of our teams and individuals are successful, going on to compete at Town Team or Greater Manchester County levels. A number of individuals have undertaken 3-year scholarships with professional football clubs i.e. Bolton Wanderers Football Club and Bury Football Club, competed in national gymnastics competitions and competed on the National stage in various disciplines of Mixed Martial Arts.  Furthermore, we are part of the Rugby Football Union’s “All Schools” initiative aimed at inspiring young players to get involved in the sport and particularly coaching Girls Rugby with an emphasis on instilling life skills involving “Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship”.


Trips and excursions enrich the learning experience in many curriculum areas. The annual ski trip has proved increasingly popular with pupils, as has the annual PGL outdoor activity trip to Boreatton Park in Shropshire where pupils have the opportunity to take part in a variety of physically and mentally challenging activities that develop their personal resilience and teamwork skills.


At Key Stage 3, the pupils take part in a variety of activities including Basketball, rampolining, Badminton, Football, Rugby, Fitness, Table Tennis, Netball, Cricket, Softball, Rounders and Athletics. The PE department hosts various inter house tournaments based on these activities throughout the year. These activities develop our pupil’s skills and underpin our assessment criteria based on Sporting Character, Practical Performance, Officiating and Leadership, Refining Coaching Skills and Training to develop Health and Fitness. The sportsmanship of our pupils is then culminated in our annual National Sports Week, whereby every year a different theme and challenge is set to create a whole school inter house competition. At Key Stage 4, Years 10 and 11 pupils have the opportunity to opt for GCSE PE and take part in the Junior Sports Leaders Award which gives the pupils the foundation for further careers in Sports Anatomy and Physiology, Sports Coaching and the Leisure Industry. All pupils also have the opportunity to showcase and celebrate their sporting talent with our annual Inter house Athletics Day which always proves to be a momentous occasion.