1. Students are well-prepared and feel empowered to make clear, informed and reasonable decisions about their future and career choices due to a wide range of experiences and opportunities.

2.  NEET figures which reflect the success of school programme and interventions.

3. Data such as destinations, shows a range of positive outcomes, as students move successfully, at all transition points, onto sustainable pathways.

4. Teacher CPD. Subject teachers are confident in their delivery and confident in how their subject links to the world of work, and the variety of pathways and options.

5. Students develop competencies and employability skills. They become motivated, understanding they can make a contribution to the school, the community and society and have a positive attitude towards lifelong learning.

6. Students are more engaged in the curriculum, and connected with their teachers as they are able to see the relevance of subjects and how they relate to the wider range of career options and pathways.

8. Increased and positive engagement with all stakeholders, via a range of communication methods.

Summary: Regularly monitoring, evaluating, reviewing and reflecting allows us to proactively plan future programmes. We achieve this by collecting quantitative and qualitative data and information from a range of sources including:-

Annual review of the careers programme

Lesson and form time learning walks including ‘Careers week’ as part of the SEF

Student/Parent surveys and questionnaires,

Teacher and Staff evaluation forms

Employer/Employee questionnaires

Transitional destination data

Progressive data

Attendance and attainment figures

Sustainable, progressive and ambitious pathways

Compass + audit tool

Gatsby Benchmark


Local Enterprise Partnership

Careers and Enterprise Company

NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) figures

Contribution and engagement with society
