We are dedicated to ensuring all our students leave school able to read, write and communicate effectively and because of this literacy is driving force within our community.

Empowering children with well-developed literacy skills is a relentless mission here at MSJ. Recent research suggests that 16.4% of adults in England (that’s 7.1 million people!) can be described as having ‘very poor literacy skills.’ We are determined to ensure that all our students are given the right support, guidance and resources to help them make good progress in literacy; developing skills they will need for life!

Here at MSJ we are also brutally aware of the links between literacy and wellbeing. Given the significant changes young people have had to cope with recently, we believe supporting pupils with literacy is more important than ever!

A recent significant study uncovered…

  • Children and young people who are the most engaged with literacy have better mental wellbeing than their peers who are the least engage.
  • Children who are the most engaged with literacy are three times more likely to have higher levels of mental wellbeing than children who are the least engaged.
  • As children transition from primary to secondary school, their levels of literacy engagement and mental wellbeing both begin and continue to decline.
  • Boys who are the most engaged with literacy have higher levels of mental wellbeing than girls who are equally engaged.

It is findings like these that keep us striving to continue to improve literacy skills, with an absolute commitment to all in our community.

Literacy, Reading and the Workplace

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