At Mount St Joseph we have a dedicated team of pastoral staff who support students from transition in year 6 right through to year 11 when they are sitting their GCSE exams and applying to College, Sixth Form or onto an apprenticeship.
Each year group has a dedicated Pastoral Care Office (PCO), and each year the PCO moves up with the students enabling for the established relationships with parents, carers and students to continue.
The PCO’s role is to provide support and guidance to pupils by removing the barriers to learning, whether it be in school or at home, in order to promote effective participation, enhance individual learning, raise aspirations helping students to achieve their full potential.
The team is here to help and assist and support pupils and their families with a wide range of topics. They also have extensive knowledge of external agencies that can support with family and pupil issues.
Confidentiality is of course paramount and all issues are dealt with in the strictest of confidence.
Working closely with their Head of Year and the school’s attendance officer we are able to provide effective safeguarding, help, and support.
Mount St Joseph are also able to provide confidential on-site counselling service for our students.
Please see below a list of our pastoral team:
Deputy Headteacher and DSL – Mr. P Draper –
Head of Pastoral and Deputy DSL – Mrs. D Burns –
Assistant Headteacher- Mrs M Smith-
Assistant Headteacher- Mrs G Morris –
Attendance officer– ( or ring 01204 391800 and press option 1)
SENDco– Mr Neild –
Year group Heads of Year:
Year 7: Mrs Forsythe –
Year 8: Miss Phoenix –
Year 9: Mr Drummond –
Year 10: Miss Dale –
Year 11: Miss Snape –