Join us this Thursday for our ‘Introduction to Year 11 Evening’ for an informative session where we will provide an overview of what Year 11 entails.

Introduction to Year 11 Evening

Thursday, 12th September | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Join us for an informative session where we will provide an overview of what Year 11 entails, how we support our students, and key dates for the year ahead. We’ll cover important topics such as Lesson 7 and share how parents/carers can assist their children throughout this crucial year.

After the introductory session, parents and students will participate in a carousel of events, including:

  • English: What to revise and effective revision strategies
  • Maths: Key revision topics and tips on how to revise
  • Science: Areas to focus on and best practices for revision
  • Resilience and Well-being: Supporting mental health and well-being during Year 11
  • Colleges and Connexions: Opportunity to meet and discuss post-Year 11 options

We look forward to seeing you there!