Mount St Joseph Catholic School supports the rationale that system leadership is essential in ensuring schools meet the complex needs of the twenty first century learner.

Collaboration between schools means that educational standards remain high and good practice is embedded across a range of educational establishments. Schools have a responsibility to the communities that they serve and we strongly believe that having consistently good schools across a community, can only raise aspirations amongst learners and help communities prosper and grow.

Our school ethos of a ‘Community of learners, believers and friends’ underpins the system leadership we engage in; our trained SLEs have expertise in a range of pedagogical areas, such as Leadership and Management, Continuing Professional Development, Initial Teacher Training and Performance Management. Coupled with this, we also have SLEs with expertise and experience raising standards within departmental areas, such as Creative Arts, history and English. This holistic approach means we have been able to support many schools across the North West in developing the opportunities they provide for students and staff. We have also benefitted from the transfer of expertise and used this to further our own self-reflection and evaluation as an institution.

Feel free to read through the list of SLEs on our website and read their SLE portraits; if you wish to engage the support of one of our SLEs, please contact the school or the Teaching School listed at the top of the pen portrait.